Damn! holidays liao still need to think abiut sch work..
The damn PP deadline is coming to an end soon.. 9 sept.. And I am still doing the intro.. thx peeps for jia-you-ing me... haiyoyo.. Tml interview the director frm NGH.. nervous.. very long nv interview ppl le.. aniwae.. last week was a mixture of sad and slight happiness.. His grandpa passed away.. R.I.P to him.. I had helped in staying for de nite though.. his relatives too little le and I wanna give my support.. met alot of His relatives and cousins.. the happy part was knowing them and playing abit wif them.. hope they take it well... Last friday had fun wif Zann.. Booked an appt to Skyfitness gym for a day trial since it was frm the Anlene Mile run so it everything free! First our Personal Trainer was damn cute!! I stop peekin.. =P Zann and I agree his height was a pity.. den yoga class wif master suresh(typo) was straining and fun! my first time yoga and I hope dere be a second! The complimentry massage was not bad too! Had dinner wif Zann @ Subway! Yum!!! at the end.. we all agree that no pics taken was really a pity.. we went to raffles to collect my lucky dip and gt lerk thai 20bucks vochure and den we Walked! to Suntect.. it seems that there was a firework soon.. but a pity again because it seems forever for de fireworks to start.. Then tried finding the cadbury popping chocolate.. but den haf.. Sian ah! Nvm.. we had strawberry yougart frm Redmango.. seems like we were quite addicted to it... till nxt time den.. Happie Belated Burfday Mum! hope u like de cake! MON Seems like Mich had family matters and can't make it to our every mon rountine of gym.. Left me and stacy.. we done at 1140+ and ends at 1pm after shower.. we walked to hougangmall for our dessert a.k.a Lunch. We had Mocha Snow and Milk pudding.. afterwards we parted.. Tml we will haf our badminton session! Can't wait! Went to clarke quay again to collect my race pack for TheHumanRace10Km. Proudly presented by Nike.. Too bad cant change de T-shirt size.. wanted to let Him run de.. Heheh.. DOne and collected.. Tired le.. Continue PP ba.. Jia you! + Rach @ 5:59:00 PM
Last day falls on Tue..
How weird.. I will miss this class... I dn wan to change class!! Boooo!!! Though it's MANjula's class.. but i dn care.. so wat sia.. fork out 35 bucks.. as if i care=P But I still enjoy de class like nv before.. Adele had given us an ice-cream stick wif our names.. specially made by her.. Thx ger! really appreciate it.. How I wish today nv ends.. But it did.. Plus de lesson title was :The End. How sad.. We taken many pics today.. Tried to take pics wif everyone.. hopefully I did.. and dere was a vid janice made.. Thx ger! Felt so touched and sad at de same time.. =) Many feelins was shared among us.. As we end.. we said our goodbyes.. Bye E56B.. so long... After tuition Met E56B again.. I jus wan to see join them.. Found them at Zara lookin for clothes.. Went to try wif them.. kylie, adele and saretta.. janice sat in de middle of de fittin room.. And so we shop and shop.. but we brought nth.. Nono! Leo did brought a tight fitting white shirt! then de guys start to envy his biceps or somthing.. Fg and hanzi.. and we walk and walk... frm wisma to Dohby ghaut and to cityhall. Leg break ah! But I think it was worthwhile.. Saretta's bro worked dere you see.. He was very nice and they look so alike! So cute sia when they stand tgt! Thx to her bro, we get free frappe!! Nice!! Love de GreenTea Fappe! All of us did our rjs dere.. Saretta's bro joke wif us abt havin chair race in Starbucks.. Nice one yea? Haha! Hopefully it's not de last outing of E56B.. I miss ya all.. And I jus haf de feelin we might haf another one.. Took mrt home wif adele(1stop) and Hanzi.. Thx for entertaining me=D Maybe today, I jus started to appreciate more and more.. sometime it jus got into u.. Goodbye E56B... More pics to come! + Rach @ 12:51:00 AM
Yest we had a meaning day..
Sat first.. Me and Him had been deciding having a steamboat on Sat.. But it was rush.. Me, Mich and Hanzi had send ZhaoYan and Chentong and ShoYou back home China.. Will miss my Darlin... Boohooo.. had alot of pics taken... Tired day.. but it ended with Mac delivery and A nice movie with him=) Then Sun.. Woke up feeling contented.. Afterwards, Steamboat idea came up again.. After agreed, mi and Him went to NTUC to shop shop buy buy.. Happy! I think I made some acomplishment today.. I made everyone happy.. I, myself oso happy =) + Rach @ 9:15:00 AM
I will miss rDNA..
The stress... And Scottz Lips! Today last day le.. my teammates.. Ben,Stacy,Stef and ChenTong all PSK!! Scottz wants me to be the one-women team.. Damn ULU and stress at first.. but I managed to cope with it la.. Plus I am very happy with the end results.. at least it was purified at de end =D see de most clean lane? it's de desired end result. Cool rite my 'jelly' After dat we had class pics of students in White.. Will miss dis class.. Look at dis croc! it had been determining our third meet fate for de past 16wks! And a cupcake being share wif Siao Cha bo a.k.a Weiling.. + Rach @ 1:01:00 AM
Finally week 16 is here..
but I dn feel holiday comin.. not even smelling it.. =( I guess dere will always be a first time.. ANother first time was, I am the first to rh classroom today! so ULU lo.. Since it was de last day, Felicia brought Blackbean soya milk for us.. So organic man.. And a new kind of taste.. sellable to the organic market I think.. Then dere was present Xchange.. quite fun since de last week dat we nid to draw lots.. de price of de present muz nt be more den 2 bucks. Let's see..I gt a packet of malteser frm Delon.. Thx man.. I gave HanZhi a packet of pringle.. HanZhi gave Mich a doremon propeller and mini hourglass for toilet..(hu noes!) Fg gt a chapteh frm Yezid.. Yezid gt a 90's Cd frm jess.. Louise gt a small keychain frm Lewis.. Lewis gt ferror Roche frm Lavania.. and Mich gave Amanda fabergus pics.. Amanda gave delon hellopanda.. wah and so on man.. Lost count liao since abit chaotic.. I love dis class alot!! I will miss all of them man.. esp Amanda and jess and delon and syaz.. all these cute and funni ppl.. hopefully nxt sem will get to see ur again ba.. Some pics of today.. + Rach @ 11:22:00 PM
Wow~! 100 post leh~
I guess I be writing something special.. Soon de semester is goin to end.. time flies.. Im goin to miss everyone.. boo.. Went to watch Money not enuff 2 at our 44mth anniversary.. Friday was sure a gd day! Last Ut and FRIDAY!! HAHA!! Cute rite.. I wonder if every box office haf one.. The movie is superb! damn made me cry oso.. touchin u noe.. Memories flooded again.. What will happen if Im old? Wat if my life meets mid year crsis? Sometimes its scary for life to keep on moving and we are not stopping.. it's scary.. being in rp makes us keep on move on and on.. I miss everyone... They are de one dat filled my memories.. complete a part of my life.. =) Thanks everyone.. + Rach @ 12:04:00 AM
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